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Ficus Benjamina

Ficus Benjamina

Ficus Benjamina

Regular price 15.000 KWD
Regular price 20.000 KWD Sale price 15.000 KWD
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The ever-popular houseplant, Ficus benjamina has become a beloved ornamental and indoor plant worldwide. Its hardiness makes it an ideal plant to cultivate for beginners and experienced growers alike. There are many varieties of the ficus tree, all of which can easily thrive in most indoor spaces.


The ever-popular houseplant, Ficus benjamina has become a beloved ornamental and indoor plant worldwide. Its hardiness makes it an ideal plant to cultivate for beginners and experienced growers alike. There are many varieties of the ficus tree, all of which can easily thrive in most indoor spaces.

Care Instructions

Temperature – Prefers temperature 25 to 35 degree C
Water – Newly planted– Ficus benjamina should be watered moderately in spring and summer but sparingly in winter.
Light – Ficus love bright, indirect sunlight and lots of it. Your plant will enjoy spending time outside during the summer, but protect the plant from direct sunlight unless it’s been acclimated to it.
Fertilizer – benjamina, or the weeping ficus. The right fertilizer for potted ficus plants is one that is rich in nitrogen and is water soluble or liquid.
Pruning – Obviously, trimming ficus trees is necessary if the plant has grown into a byway or is touching the ceiling.


Height approx 40 to 50cm

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