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Alocasia Silver Dragon - Indoor Plant

Alocasia Silver Dragon - Indoor Plant

Alocasia Silver Dragon - Indoor Plant

Regular price 5.500 KWD
Regular price 15.000 KWD Sale price 5.500 KWD
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The Alocasia Silver Dragon adds an exotic touch to the garden with its large, silver-green leaves marked with a white midrib and veins. This tropical plant boasts an impressive height, reaching up to 8 feet tall when grown in ideal conditions.
"Product photo is for reference only; actual plant color, type, size, and arrangement may vary."
Imported from The Netherlands (Holland)

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The Alocasia Silver Dragon adds an exotic touch to the garden with its large, silver-green leaves marked with a white midrib and veins. This tropical plant boasts an impressive height, reaching up to 8 feet tall when grown in ideal conditions.

Care Instructions

Alocasias are adaptable and can handle a range of light from low to bright indirect. The amount of light the plant receives will dictate how quickly it grows. If you want your plant to push out new leaves actively and produce the large leaves it is known for, then make sure the alocasia is in a spot where it can receive plenty of bright indirect light. The plant will survive but not grow as quickly when placed in an area with lower light levels. If you bring your alocasia outdoors in the warmer months, place it in a spot that receives partial shade. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves.

Water alocasia plants when the top couple of inches of the soil are dry. Alocasias have medium water requirements. Even consistent moisture is ideal. Alocasia like to partially dry out between waterings, but they do not like to be soggy. Cut back on watering during the colder months if the plant is not actively growing.

All alocasia love loose, nutrient-rich potting soil. Use a soil medium that can retain moisture but also allows for draining excess water to avoid root rot. Most pre-mixed soils will suffice. Make sure that there is plenty of organic matter, like coco-coir, peat moss, or shredded leaves, and avoid soils that contain moisture retaining crystals. If your soil drains too quickly, we recommend re-potting your alocasia into a compost-rich soil mixture, with less drainage materials. Learn how to create your own universal soil mixture for all of your indoor plants!

As a subtropical plant, alocasia prefer warmer temperatures more in line with their native environment. Average room temperatures above 60°F will be perfectly adequate! If you place your alocasia on a patio or outdoor area during the warmer months, then make sure to bring it back inside well before the temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing the plant near an exterior door, drafty window, or in front of an air conditioning or heating vent. These temperature fluctuations can inhibit growth and potentially damage the leaves. Keep in mind, alocasia will go dormant in the colder months. Although they may not loose all of their leaves, they will stop growing, and should be kept in slightly lower temperatures so they can enjoy their down-time!

Alocasia houseplants thrive when they receive lots of humidity which makes sense given their subtropical origins. Placing the houseplant in an area with high humidity is ideal. If you live in a drier climate or just don't have an area with enough humidity, then consider using a humidifier or a pebble tray with water. These options can help give these plants the extra boost of dampness they crave. Learn how to increase the humidity for your alocasia and other indoor plants!

Routine fertilizing, especially when the houseplant is actively growing, can help these plants push out new growth. Varieties known for exceptionally large leaves can benefit from feedings. A diluted complete liquid fertilizer, a fish/seaweed emulsion, or a slow-release fertilizer are all excellent choices for alocasia. Do not fertilize your alocasia if the plant is dormant.


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